Last Friday was different. VERY different. Instead of my usual Friday night date, I went to the Opening Reception for the TES Fetish Film Festival to watch my friends perform. I was picked up my dear friend and submissive Naps, who served me for the rest of the night. It is always a pleasure to have a dedicated submissive at my side for a night out.
The performances were all great, super sex. But the last performance, a burlesque performance by my wonderful friend Satin Doll, or Hazel DeVille (her burlesque name). Her number was amazing, sexy, and based on Serial Mom, a John Waters Film. Rumor has it that Mr. Waters himself assisted in the planning of the number!
The real fun started when we left the reception and headed to Time Square to frighten some tourists and hoping to make some cab money. Miss DeVille continued her Serial Mom persona as we ran around Time Square.
Highlights include:
Verbal disagreement with Spider Man and his super hero friends
Tickling Elmo
Offering NYPD some much deserved attention
Educating some misguided men about rape culture
Saving another woman from unwanted attention.
I now have tons of inspiration for a variety of public humiliation scenes for those are are serious and brave!
Contact me for details.